Memeriksa Payudara Sendiri Pada Remaja Putri Di SMK Mitra Bakti Husada Bekasi
Breast examination itself is an action that should be carried out by a woman in order to prevent or detect breast cancer early. Breast cancer is a deadly disease, especially for women. Breast self- examination (BSE) is carried out so that cases of breast cancer can be identified as early as possible, especially for young women. The method used was to look at the percentage of questionnaire results distributed to participants, namely young women at Mitra Bakti Husada Vocational School. The implementation of community service activities was carried out to convey material about the theory of breast self-examination and the attitudes that must be had in carrying out early detection of breast cancer. This community service activity was well organized and ran smoothly and with enthusiasm from the young women, in accordance with the activity plan that had been prepared.